Friday, September 4, 2009

Don't Save Me

One is aware when change is venturing nearer and nearer. Everything that started to matter, and those other things that were beginning to matter are slipping further away.

Vision remains straight, if not more precise than before, when one is marching through that tunnel that leads back into the past.


  1. How pleasant it is to lose oneself...
    And at the same time, what a beautiful sedative memory can be...

  2. "How pleasant it is to lose oneself...
    And at the same time, what a beautiful sedative memory can be..."

    These lines take my breath away..
    Perhaps at times, instances as such are so much more appealing than being in a mundane state of pragmatism..
    Therefore, the participation with the sedative becomes voluntary..
    One becomes open and willing for the experience of losing the self and realizing.. ?

  3. Indeed, realising... or discovering... ?
