Friday, August 21, 2009

Such as basics?

I would like to sleep but I do not know where to find such a thing.

I would like to read more of the book I just started, but a 16 inch electronic device manipulates my attention span.

I removed a quarter of my wardrobe from my street parked car at 2am on a Friday morning.

I think dancing would be proper being that my music library has been playing for 12 hours, roughly.

However, my freshly laundered yoga pants are ill - fitting due to late night feeds and irrelevant inactivity.


  1. I like this. And the picture, who is it by?
    Liking the new look too :)

  2. Thanks! A friend sent me that photo on a rainy day. I have no idea where he found it or if he created it himself. Funny, isn't it? :)
