Bullets do not disrespect their sanctuary by exiting closed parameters. Mechanical devices are systematically ordained to display inanimate contentment. Machines are logically assembled, therefore react to nothing out of their ordinary. Catastrophe occurs only when the assembler exhibits that he is not the systematic machine he created, whether by defect in the assembly, or defect in the useage of his creation. The assembler can not fathom ever creating such a device that would illogically destroy itself, let alone perform disrespectful acts. Why would such a thing ever occur? Perhaps the assembler was trying to convince his creation of a point very dear to his own logic. "You will do as I create you to do, or ultimately have never been of purpose." Good thing bullets are part of a machine, and machines are created by one that presents purpose as logic.
Interesting, do you reckon this could somehow relate to mankind? Do you think that, much like the bullet, we have our own closed parameters? And if so do you feel that we disrespect them?
ReplyDeleteI like your interpretation. I definitely belive this is completely relevant to mankind, or as I like to regard, humanity ;) I think that it is in our conditioned nature to explore, inquire, and wonder. I do not see this as a form of disrespect because I do not believe we stemmed from such a systematic creator, who would veiw our beautiful curiosity as disrespect. Sort of a a satire on creationism.