Tuesday, September 30, 2008

You and Whose Army?

I had a vision of myself. I was alone. I was driving and it was dark. The road, familiar and desolate. I was sad, i think taking a break from painful tears. Painful but strong, validated tears. Strong in the sense that i was on my way to moving on. Validated because i was justified in my decision. Tears for leaving the one i loved behind. It was a forecast of what i think could come. And motivation at the same time, to fight. Not to give up. Set aside my bouts of pride and follow my heart. I felt it. I felt the way my heart would feel in that moment. It felt good. The situation was sad, yet, hardly tragic. I felt alive with myself. Magic for being brave. As human and noble as it is to test love out, it works very similar, if not exactly the same, to test yourself. The answers to the latter, cannot be blamed or credited to anyone else. Self is the distinguisher. Which makes self the model for future situations, revelations and inspiration. This revelation is not stunning, just simply another obstacle in attaining what i deserve.

Spectator Sport

The trend is casual "love". Popular theories, personal beliefs and possibly good ol' excuses are slowly confirming the fact that love is dead. Some argue that the film industery has lost it's luster, music is now without the soul it was founded on. Hipsters have drove themselves crazy trying to fit three or four eras into one ensemble. And the casuality of sex and affection reserved for self expression is apparantly.. losing. Remaining chaste till marriage is no longer the taboo topic it once was. You meet someone, attraction ensues, go with the feeling. I am not exclusive in this behavior. But what about the kind little things once used to show someone that you feel? We thrive off of attention of others. Humans need it. How can the difference now be distingushed when "love" is being shared? I have love for all things living, human or not but i refrain from kissing a cow when my lips feel like dancing. Why should a casual friend be any different? There are ways to express love to others, if that really is the case trying to be made. People evolved and are continuing to evolve, however communication is easily fucked with and end results can be disasterous. I almost do believe a similar statement; words are dead. because we feel.. are emotions on the way to doom? Is this the regression that will contribute to the devestation of humanity? This may be argued and even offensive, but it's nothing personal. Allow me a kiss and all will be forgotten :*

The Form of The Flawed

Women like to believe they are so beautiful. This is actually true to very few, but a basic belief of all straight men. So what i’m picking apart the best corners of my brain for, are answers. Answers to why women feel the tyrant- reserved action of oppression against themselves when it comes to men. There is a chance that i may be cynical and biased when it comes to making my opinion known on this matter, but that chance is just as great as the fact because it holds true. A bat of the lashes, unknowingly of course. A little bounce in the walk. Extra time and effort into appearance. What is the outcome of these and countless other rituals, when they go unnoticed? We sulk, we bitch, we say fuck really loud, we may even cry .. of course only out of spite. Ha ha. All bullshit aside, what happens next? Men go on. Flirt on. Play around with their next idea of a good time. Laugh, plan. Whatever. It’s so bullshit. Why must we feel trapped within the part of our minds that is supposed to make us standout as the compassionate, loving beings we are entitled to be? See what i mean by oppression? Wasted energy on the other half of the human being. How fuckin foul. Evidently men cannot be lived without or lived with. Shall we begin to beg to differ?

Big Brother

You are being watched. Do you know this? Are you aware that every move you make, every card you swipe, is premeditated and conceived? Are you a firm believer in your individuality? With..

your mac
your tv
your subscription to rolling stone
your status as a

Do you believe in free will? free will as a concept that only one with an open mind and an eagerness to learn and spread, is capable of owning, conditioning AND CONTAINING. Like i have asked before, who are you? who the fuck are you? do you wish to be someone? are you content? satisfied? eager to improve such as most hollow minds are? what about being great with what you have? and great with who you are. i bet my beliefs do not match yours, and if so, alright. but i don't regret what i believe, because all i know right now is that those beliefs are mine, i have conditioned them as mine. how many more will die for a cause that YOU probably cannot even correspond. how many more will suffer because their voices are not ALLOWED to be heard for the lack of a fuckin certificate stating a "valid" place of origin, of birth. Who is to blame really? What is the color of our spilling fluid? Is it not red? Do "they" not bleed red? Are we not all the same? Human? Whether you were created by one of the most prominent historical figures or evolved from a species of a similar, haha looks. We are all the fuckin same. Get over yourself and believe.


A colorfully charged landscape domineered by plagerized apathy, misguided actions and words. Direct threats yet indirect people. Plans of progression through inanimate mediums, disregarding the universal medium and mediator. I see no change and rare relation with brutal consequences. I can't change anything, at the most extreme, myself. This cannot be tagged as immaturity, for nature will prove that wrong. It's the beauty of inexperience. Seeking answers only to be stacked with more questions. I drive, without the mechanism, and light is coming from all angles. Neons, the production of machines and element made vulnerable by man, translucent shine designed for direction, and life in the sky, a result of the unknown who teases with awe. Will i stray farther from who i am.. Being led by others' irrationality.. Or am i getting closer to who i will always be.. I will reckon with objects no longer.